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发布时间:2022-11-23        浏览次数:90        返回列表
 SIMATIC S7-1200 控制器是紧凑型智能自动化解决方案的***佳选择,集成了 IO、通信功能和技术工艺功能,可用于中低端自动化任务。包括标准型和故障安全型。

SIMATIC S7-1200 控制器具有集成输入和输出以及通信选件,支持模块化扩展。通过数字量和模拟量输入/输出模块以及各种通信和专用模块,能够灵活地适应相关的自动化任务


Efficient engineering

  • The seamless integration of SIMATIC Controllers into the common TIA Portal engineering framework permits the integrated storage of data, the smart library concept, and a uniform operating philosophy. This makes the use of universal functions particularly easy.

Variety of diagnostic options

  • An efficient error analysis and fast error localization with the new uniform display concept – plain text information on the error message in TIA Portal, on the HMI, and in the web server – shortens commissioning times and minimizes production downtimes. SIMATIC S7-1200 offers you a diagnostic functionality that is already integrated in the system, without the need for any further programming.

Innovative design

  • The SIMATIC S7-1200 Basic Controller can be perfectly adapted to the automation task at hand thanks to its comprehensive expansion options. The modular board concept permits an easy expansion of the controller without changing the physical size. Device replacement is simple, without rewiring through terminal strips.

Safety Integrated

  • Fail-safe automation is as easy to program as standard automation, and PROFIsafe devices are connected via PROFINET.

Technology Integrated

  • Simple Motion Control applications, fast counting and measuring tasks, as well as closed-loop control systems (PID) are integrated and can be implemented without additional expansion boards.

Security Integrated

  • Secured communication, know-how protection, copy protection and access protection prevent manipulation, opening and duplication of blocks by unauthorized persons, and thus protect your algorithm or process.


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技术和报价服务:星期一至星期六8:00-22:00 SIMATIC-SMART服务商